Battle Tower (Johto) 266. Celadon City; Celadon Condominiums; Celadon Department Store;. Between Route 31, Route 45, and Route 46. The Goldenrod Radio Tower is a six-story tower located next to the Magnet Train station in Goldenrod City, the largest city in Johto. Minecraft Stuff. 8 Goldenrod City - Osaka, Osaka Prefecture. Route 48 begins on the east side of the river that runs over the west waterfall on Route 47. The Bell Tower is a location of Johto positioned in the northeast of Ecruteak City. Edificio. Accessible only with HM - Rock Climb, Embedded Tower is the whereabouts of Kyogre, Groudon, or Rayquaza (if both are captured and shown to Professor Oak). Johto. Thanks! Great picture! The legend of the Trio has always been interesting to me. But it is a clue that heartgold/soulsilver game will be added soon. Choose which generation of games you're playing to see the Pokémon and capture methods. Route 44 is a route in northern Johto, connecting the Ice Path to Mahogany Town. You can't catch ho oh at all, and can only catch the legendary dogs in a random encounter after the ho oh fight. The tower itself is over 100 feet tall and is held together by a giant flexible pillar that shakes from side to side. In the table below the lowest rarity is presented. Bell Tower, Johto. Like the route before it, Route 31 contains more than an even share of ledges that players need to go around to get to Violet City, but may jump over on. Bell Tower. A bright path with a lake that's easy on the eyes and easy to traverse. Requirement. Bell Tower - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Map Coming Soon. Part of the large range of mountains in the north of Johto, it is known to be a confusing maze-like area with an interior cave known as the Waterfall Cave. Jolteon. Location of Bell Tower in Johto: The Bell Tower is located in the northeast of Ecruteak City. It is said that Lugia used to reside here before moving to the Whirl Islands. The road smells like freshly cut grass. It has numerous levels with. Bell Tower. It was introduced in Generation II, Gold and Silver, and Crystal later seen in their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver. This is an in-game map of the Johto region from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, with Bell Tower highlighted. From its mouth, it leaks a fluid that melts even iron. Battle Tower in Pokémon Crystal. Lavender Town is a town of Kanto which is popular for its Pokémon Tower. After that there will be an entrance at the right side of Burnt Tower entrance. Mortar;Route 33 is a route in southern Johto, connecting Union Cave and Azalea Town. Before the fire, it was known as the Brass Tower. (Wii U). Brother. This route is the third route that Trainers starting in New Bark Town will arrive at. Locations. This flexibility protects the tall tower from earthquakes and symbolizes the battles that are occurring on upper floors. This route is the third route that Trainers starting in New Bark Town will arrive at. This tower has just the entrance and the basement, with Entei, Raikou & Suicune dwelling in the basement. Bell Tower. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Ecruteak City has a population of 46 which makes it the fourth-largest city in the Johto region. 2 Burnt Tower Upper Floor;. Ho-Oh formerly perched at the top of this ten-story tower, but flew away after the other tower in the west of Ecruteak City burned down mysteriously. Players begin their journey in New Bark Town, where Professor. Either they can head back up north, to Violet City, if they. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. The Johto region is a region of the Pokémon world. Does anyone know where I can find the gym leader overworld sprites and/or the interior Tin/Burned/Sprout tower tilesets? All I've found are either GSC style or HGSS style. Goldenrod City is a sprawling metropolis located in western Johto. 1 Burnt Tower Lower Floor; 2. The Grass type is one of the eighteen types. Mt Silver interior. Go up the stairs and smash a rock. Bell Tower Bell Tower 3FJohto Locations Home. Ho-oh, Lugia, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Wesker, Jeck Spearow. Lugia flew away and went to the Whirl. Battle Soheal here and win for Victini! Pokemon: Tentacool, Psyduck, Wingull. The Bellchime Trail is a small path between Ecruteak City and the Bell Tower. Johto is located west of Kanto, which together form a joint landmass that is south of Sinnoh and Sinjoh Ruins. Pixel Art. The Legendary Beasts Quest is one out of many additional, not story related. Mortar. Battle Tower facilities exist in four regions in the games, and three in the anime. Johto Route 48; Johto Route 47; Johto Route 46; Johto Route 45; Johto Route 44; Johto Route 43; Maintenance. There's a hidden Charcoal right at the rock before the entrance. Johto is located west of Kanto, which together form a joint landmass that is south of Sinnoh and Sinjoh Ruins. . Wish Island is a small island where the player can go to if they have the Wish Ticket. Lugia, the mascot of Pokémon Silver and Pokémon SoulSilver. It is home to an additional 100 Pokémon that were not present in the Kanto. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised eternal happiness. Bell Tower - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia Ecruteak City Bell Tower. Rewards. Total of 12 settlements of cities and. earthquake, cooperation, legend | 29 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Start Button Gaming: Sprout Tower (Japanese: マダツボミのとう Madatsubomi Tower) is a large. Happy Meal promotions can vary depending on your geographical location and the current date. Go up the stairs and smash a rock. Moves. Battle Tower (Generation II) Hoenn in the Generation III games, on an. Battle Castle; Battle Factory (Generation IV) Battle Frontier (Generation IV) Battle Hall; Battle Tower (Sinnoh) Bell Tower; Bellchime Trail; Blackthorn City; Burned. Battle Points can be obtained by either winning PvP Ranked Matchmaking Battles, defeating the Elite Four (including rebattles), clearing the Trainer Tower in Kanto/Battle Frontier Battle Tower in Hoenn or fending off challengers while holding a Legendary Pokémon. lv 50; Found in Embedded Tower in Route 47 after getting the national dex and all 16 badges and the blue orb from Mr. Pokedoller : 1000 - 7500: GoldBell Tower is a Johto Tower, located in the north of Ecruteak City. Johto Route 35. The Bellchime Trail is a small path between Ecruteak City and the Bell Tower. As you approach the back of the first floor, the Rainbow Wing suddenly floats up into the air. Hello! I'm Aru, and I paint digital landscapes. Ecruteak City is an old-fashioned city located in northern Johto, situated in the woods between tall Mt. In the Anime, the Bell Tower is referred to as the Tin Tower in the English Dubs, as the name lacks reference to the Bells, it is emphasized in the Episode "For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll"; the link to Ho-oh is seen here as the bells will only sound if either Suicune or Ho-oh is in the vicinity, the bell on the top floor is made of crystal and will. 1 Step 1; 2. It is a numerously multistory building, housing dozens of floors: 7 upper-level floors, 29 basement floors, and a membership -exclusive bottommost floor. The wings are the keys to capturing Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively, while the bell is the new key item that. The trainers inside the Brass tower have mostly psychic type pokemon with the occasional dark type along the way and the last trainer has 2 fire types. Most notably, it will be necessary to visit this location before being able to meet the Legendary Beast Trio,. A place of death, but also revival. Ilex Forest • Mt. En los videojuegos de la segunda generación, su nombre es Torre Hojalata ( Tin Tower en inglés). Bell Tower. Blackthorn City. Tunod. A Super Smash. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. If there is no tower you need to keep relogging until it appears. Dark Cave • Sprout Tower • Ruins of Alph • Union Cave • Slowpoke Well • Ilex Forest • Radio Tower • Global Terminal • Goldenrod Tunnel • National Park • Pokéathlon Dome • Bell Tower • Bellchime Trail • Burned Tower • Moomoo Farm • Glitter Lighthouse • Battle. Broadcasts Buena's Password channel with a couple more new features. Azalea Town; B. Requires Rock Climb to access. Silver • Bamboo Forest • Church of Alpha • Victory Road. In the real world, it is obviously based on Osaka, the second-largest metropolis in Japan. The Pokémon League. Here are a few guides that other players have made. The Johto Saga; The Saga in Hoenn! Kanto Battle Frontier Saga! The Sinnoh Saga! Best Wishes - Unova Saga;. He'll reward you with the Rainbow Wing (Gold version), the Silver Wing (Silver version), or the Clear Bell (Crystal version). The National Park is a location in Johto. Tunod. From this important landmark extend East, South, West and North Streets, connecting the tower to. The Unova region has Zoroark on a balcony overlooking the Skyarrow bridge. Use an Escape Rope at the inscription to open the door. Port Logan Bell Tower glass wall art, HD digital print on glass poster wall hanging, Eye catching modern wall décor, Canvas alternative (5) Sale Price $. The Johto Saga; The Saga in Hoenn! Kanto Battle Frontier Saga! The Sinnoh Saga! Best Wishes - Unova Saga; XY - Kalos Saga; Sun & Moon - Alola Saga; Pokémon Journeys - Galar Saga; Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master; Pokémon Horizons - Paldea Saga; Pokémon Chronicles; The Special Episodes; The Banned Episodes; Shiny Pokémon;. Two cities have a Magnet Train Station (Japanese: リニアモー. Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver starts out in the Johto Region. Landmark. Templates; Candidates for deletion; Stubs; Unattributed files;. Ah, that explains that then lol thanks!National Park. A Network Providing Johto. If you don't go. Bell Tower is a location in Johto featuring Ho-oh at the top of the tower. Add to Favorites Legendary Dice Tower (23) $ 30. Mt. . 8:30-21:30 (Apr. Clear Bell: Gift from Manager Crystal Only. IMO, this is the theme song for HG. He successfully got through this challenge just ahead of you, and uses an. Mortar and the open fields near Johto's western shores. The Rainbow Wing and the Clear Bell used in conjunction summons Ho-Oh at the top of the tower when the player, along with the Kimono Girls. 5 xThe Cianwood Gym is the official Gym of Cianwood City. Ecruteak is known as a historical and mythical city; fittingly, its buildings all feature traditional Japanese architecture. The Goldenrod Radio Tower is located within Goldenrod City and is the location of the major Team Rocket takeover of the region. Fusion Labs • Cave of Regi • Adamant Cave • Lustrous Cave • Griseous Cave. When Ash, Misty, and Brock run to investigate a mysterious chorus of bells that spontaneously ring out, they chance to meet their old friend Morty and a Pokémon researcher of his acquaintance. On Fridays, if you have his phone number, Morty will appear and will allow for a. Kanto Gyms; Pages in category "Gold, Silver and Crystal locations" The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total. Location of Route 48 in Johto. Bellchime Trail. Johto currently have 12 known settlements of cities and towns. Abilities. The fifth route that Trainers from New Bark Town encounter, Route 33 is a short route that travels west to Azalea Town where it is always raining. Pictures. Ho-Oh formerly perched at the top of this ten-story tower, but flew away after the other tower in the west of Ecruteak City burned down mysteriously. Trivia. City. A vacant and hidden mountain road that continues to Mt. Able to be used with any DAW that plays soundfonts. Ash and Pikachu are returning alongside a new trainer named Go and his partner. After exiting Violet City through a small path with a PRZCureBerry (a Ylw Apricorn in Generation IV) in a clearing, the player comes to a three-way intersection. Happy Meal promotions can vary depending on your geographical location and the current date. A BELLSPROUT’s thin and flexible body lets it bend and sway to avoid any attack, however strong it may be. Johto: Goldenrod City (Requires Mobile Adapter) Good Rod: A good ROD for catching Pokémon. explore Mt. Safari Zone • Whirl Islands • Mt. Route 31 is a route in central Johto, connecting Route 30 and Violet City. You can only find it if you are standing ON the exact tile, you can't find it using the item finder if you are in any other tile. This is cool! Download from mega. PokéOne Community - Pokemon - NPCTM44 Rest. Eusine and Morty explore the Tin Tower and see many bells ringing, but on the last floor the bells are missing. MIRAGE TOWER Go north east and go up the stairs. Tower duo is a fan term for the Legendary duo of Johto that consists of Lugia and Ho-Oh. North of Blackthorn City. This city contains Ecruteak City's Gym, with Morty as its leader. It was introduced in Generation II, Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Pokémon Crystal, later seen in their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver. Like the route before it, Route 31 contains more than an even share of ledges that players need to go around to get to Violet City, but may jump over on their way back. 1/2. The Bell Tower is known to be home to most of Johto 's Legendary Pokémon. The Bell Tower is an icon of Ecruteak City and a place of high sanctity among people in Johto, with. It is. Dragon's Den. Bell Tower, Johto. It is located north of Route 10. Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom. Track 84 on Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver: Super Music Collection . Johto: Olivine City (Sailor - House by the Pokemart) Itemfinder: Checks for unseen items in the. After that go to Eusine’s house in Cherrygrove city and let his ditto's copy the 6 legendary Pokémon. Stratus Peak • Vip Villa • Roaming Pokémon. This is the first route the player comes to upon receiving a starter Pokémon from Professor Elm in New. Johto: Radio Tower (Buena) - Crystal: Card Key: Opens shutters in the RADIO TOWER. I used it to nearly every Hour in the game and it still didnt worked. (Wii U) (SSB4U) Mod in the Suzaku Castle category, submitted by kantoskiesThe Goldenrod Radio Tower (Japanese: コガネラジオとう Kogane Radio Tower) is a six-story tower located next to the Magnet Train station in Goldenrod City, the largest city in Johto. Brass Tower • Moomoo Farm • Glitter Lighthouse • Cianvine Bridge • Chuck's Dojo • Cliff Edge Cave • Cliff Cave • Embedded Tower. Dragon's Den. Accomplished requirements for other quests. Lucario and the Mystery of Mew! Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea! The Rise of Darkrai! Giratina & The Sky Warrior! Arceus and the Jewel of Life. This Walkthrough has been split into 6 parts: Part 1 - Early Game (Tunod Gyms 1-3) Part 2 - Mid Game. Mahogany Town is a small town in northern Johto where ninjas once resided in what eventually became the Team Rocket HQ. Etsy. Bell Tower|Johto|manga|Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! (manga)}} == Licensing == {{i-Fairuse-manga}} Category:Ho-Oh:Entei - Roaming Johto Lugia - Whirl Islands Ho-Oh - Bell Tower Celebi - Ilex Forest (Event) Unown - Ruins of Alph. Bell Tower #245 Suicune Water Bell Tower #246 Larvitar Rock Ground Forlorn Cape; Mt. Location of Bell Tower in Johto: The Bell Tower is located in the northeast of Ecruteak City. Inside, high ceilings arch. . You can only pick one. Later, when Bill, Gold, and the Gym Leaders are held hostage by Grey and the other Rockets, he loans his Espeon and Umbreon to Gold and Black. A tower that's said to have a legendary Pokémon that lands there. Complete with Ho-oh pixel art where he spawns in game. Johto minecraft survival replicaTower bell woodland minecraft project planetminecraft Minecraft forumsMinecraft building ideas: bell tower. On its north are two towers that are related to the local region's legendaries, the Burned Tower. You can use the Escape Rope, or Teleport, Dig, or Fly to leave the Tower quickly. It is also known as Mountain Road. 2 Bell Tower Quest; 2 Spawns. "Wild Missingno. Please check individual routes. Bellsprout is the signature Pokémon of this place. Report. Location: Lilycove Department Store 3F/Vermilion City. What do you guys think? Builds. Chance to catch one of the three Legendary Beasts: Entei, Raikou or Suicune. This free-standing campanile is part of the complex that makes up the Cathedral in the city of Pisa in the Tuscany region in central Italy. If information is incorrect, you are most likely playing on an older version of the game. Mt Silver just below the summit. Well • Ilex Forest • Radio Tower • Global Terminal • Goldenrod Tunnel • National Park • Pokéathlon Dome • Bell Tower • Bellchime Trail • Burned Tower • Moomoo Farm • Glitter Lighthouse • Battle Frontier. Chance to catch one of the three Legendary Beasts: Entei, Raikou or Suicune. In the real world,. The Zephyr Badge. Fuji, and the Japanese Alps), Pokemon Kanto and Johto bump right up against each other. Cave with 3 entrances at Johto's Route 42. The Johto Saga; The Saga in Hoenn! Kanto Battle Frontier Saga! The Sinnoh Saga! Best Wishes - Unova Saga; XY - Kalos Saga; Sun & Moon - Alola Saga; Pokémon Journeys - Galar Saga; Pokémon Aim To Be A Pokémon Master; Pokémon Horizons - Paldea Saga; Pokémon Chronicles; The Special Episodes; The Banned Episodes; Shiny Pokémon;. 2F-10F. Johto Region - Pokemon - Cross Stitch Pattern (949) $ 6. Contents. In addition to this, it holds the Kimono Dance Theatre where the Kimono girls live. A Super Smash Bros. The Tohjo Falls (Japanese: トージョウの滝 Tōjō Falls) are two waterfalls separating the Johto and Kanto regions, and known as The Link Between. A pleasant path from the base of the mountain to the Safari Zone. The Radio Tower in Gold, Silver, and Crystal. When we think about Johto in Pokémon Gold and Silver, we think of the legendary Pokémon featured in these games, Ho-oh and Lugia, as well as the then newly introduced Pokémon, Unown. Unlike in Gold & Silver, Articuno is obtainable in the wild in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver after you earn all 16 badges. Brass Tower • Moomoo Farm • Glitter Lighthouse • Cianvine Bridge • Chuck's Dojo • Cliff Edge Cave • Cliff. It knows Confusion, Rest, Swift, and Helping Hand. To get access to Ho-Oh. Pokémon) - HeartGold: Card Key: A card key that opens a shutter in the Radio Tower. Shota Kageyama, Jun’ichi Masuda, & GAME FREAK. A carnivorous POKéMON that traps and eats bugs. A road that crosses from Johto to the Kanto region, like a new journey. This change was not present in Generation II. 1. It was introduced in Generation II, Gold and Silver, and Crystal later seen in their remakes, HeartGold and SoulSilver. This flexibility protects the tall tower from earthquakes and symbolizes the battles that are occurring on upper floors. The Bell Tower is an icon of Ecruteak City and a place of high sanctity among people in Johto, with only select people being. Legendary Titan Trio: Regirock, Regice. The Bell Tower is known to be home to most of Johto ‘s Legendary Pokemons. Despite that, Bellsprout doesn't actually appear as a wild Pokémon in this place. Generations: II, IV. Johto Route 45. Location of Route 28 in Kanto. It has a yellow bell-shaped head with what appear to be pink lips at the end and beady black eyes. Dyno • Mt. Route 28 (Japanese: 28ばんどうろ Route 28) is a route located in western Kanto, bordering eastern Johto. It burned down due to a lightning strike 150 years prior to the events of the Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal and their remakes. Johto is a region connected to the western part of Kanto. It is Johto's premiere battle facility, located at the northernmost part of Route 40, west of Olivine City. Head to. This flexibility protects the tall tower from earthquakes and symbolizes the battles that are occurring on upper floors. Go west and smash a rock. 1,020 views. This is a gallery-quality giclée art print on 100% cotton rag archival paper, printed with archival inks. Brass Tower • Moomoo Farm • Glitter Lighthouse • Cianvine Bridge • Chuck's Dojo • Cliff Edge Cave • Cliff. Blackthorn City is a city located in northeast Johto. You need to at least 3 health badges for Johto. (Survival) my brother and I made a replica Bell Tower from the Johto region. The location, which features trees in autumn colors year-round, has several hidden items aside from the Bell Tower itself. If you have any queries, feel free to leave them as replies. Ho-Oh formerly perched at the top of this ten-story tower, but flew away after the other tower in the west of Ecruteak City burned down mysteriously. After defeating Red, Kyogre can be found here in HeartGold, while Groudon can be found in SoulSilver. This city contains Ecruteak City's Gym, with Morty as its leader. 4. North of Blackthorn City. Trade Building • Goldenrod Tunnel • National Park • Research Lab • Bell Tower • Bellchime TrailKENT, Ohio -- More than 150 years after it was first built, the cathedral at 310 Park Avenue, near downtown Kent, will find new life as Bell Tower Brewing Company. Linear Motorcar; shortened as リニアカー Linear Car or リニア Linear) is a maglev that runs between the regions of Johto and Kanto. Johto is located west of Kanto, which together form a joint landmass that is south of Sinnoh and Sinjoh Ruins . Pokemons: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Machoke, Golbat, Raticate, Marill, Dewgong, Seel. 5. Location of Bell Tower in Johto. Pokémon Tower is a mausoleum tower in Lavender Town in Kanto. Your time spent in the Burned Tower will be extremely brief, indeed. Bell Tower is a location in Johto featuring Ho-Oh at the top of the tower. In Pokémon HeartGold only, they will also need a Clear Bell, received from the Kimono Girls after defeating them. Lugia, the mascot of Pokémon Silver and Pokémon SoulSilver, represents the sea, storms, and the color silver. Kanto Gyms; P. It connects Route 26 in the east to New Bark Town in Johto in the west. Silver Cave | Rock Tunnel | Seafoam Islands | Union Cave | Victory Road | Viridian Forest | Whirl Islands. Ecruteak is known as a historical and. Bell Tower is a Johto Tower, located in the north of Ecruteak City. Programs. Jolteon. Burned Tower and Bell Tower. Happy Meal promotions can vary depending on your geographical location and the current date. Here you’ll find the Bell Tower and Burned Tower. There's one in Slateport City's Fan Club, iirc, you have to show a lady there a. Zoroark - Master of Illusions. Complete with Ho-oh pixel art where he spawns in game. The Burned Tower is a place in Ecruteak City in Johto that stands beside the Bell Tower. Frozon • Mt. 5. At the corner of Government and Belleville, just outside of the Royal BC Museum, stands one of the most prominent and striking fixtures of downtown Victoria –. Embedded Tower, Johto (location) This is the Pokémon Location guide for Embedded Tower in Johto. There is a boy tormented with endless nightmares, and a scene occur at night for players with low Karma. Gen IV. Required for navigation: Bicycle: HM - Cut: HM - Surf. The Johto region (ジョウト地方 Jōto-chihō), meaning "castle palace" (城都 jōto) and "lattice-shaped palace" (条都 jōto), is a region connected to the western part of Kanto. – Daytime: Hoppip, Sentret; Nighttime: Hoothoot, Rattata. To play, a musician has to climb the 75 steps of the spiral staircase and then a 10-step ladder to sit at. The player will be able to easily reach Chuck, but since he's training under a raging waterfall, he doesn't seem to notice the player. Battle Points or BP are a currency in PokeMMO. New Bark Town (Japanese: ワカバタウン Wakaba Town) is located in southeastern Johto and is the hometown of the Johto player character. Johto, on the north end of Route 40, later joined by the other four facilities of the Battle Frontier in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. I am struggling on this bell tower, i can’t fix the roof and the towerMinecraft bell tower build Working bell tower in minecraft 1. The Bell Tower, is a stately traditional building, that marks the geographical center of the ancient capital. Landmarks. The Battle Tower (Japanese: バトルタワー Battle Tower) in Generation II was the first Battle Tower in the Pokémon games, debuting in Pokémon Crystal. Flareon. Go west to. The Legendary Bird, Ho-oh, is on the Tower's roof. Produced byJohto is a region connected to the western part of Kanto. Battle Park (Johto) Battle Tower (Generation II) Battle Tower (Sinnoh) Bell Tower. Warjack. 4. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Add his phone number if you wish to battle him again. Is this quest even possible rn or is it. Mortar • Lake of Rage • Team Rocket HQ • Ice Path • Dragon's Den. Like the Magnet Train Station based on Tokyo Station in Saffron. Make it back the same way to the right bell and. This image is animated. Bell Tower's gameplay includes swimming through acid, tough ladder jumps,. Ho-Oh, the mascot of. As the first Battle Tower in the series, it introduced many of the special rules that would later be. Lugia: HG: Collect the Silver Wing from a man in Pewter City and go to the Whirl Islands. Pokemon Drops: Igglybuff Egg, Azurill Egg, Wynaut Egg, Bonsly Egg, Happiny Egg, Mantyke Egg. Espeon. Players begin their journey in New Bark Town, where Professor Elm offers either Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or. Sprout Tower. Silver in Johto in the west. After exiting Union Cave.